Our Mission
To be the regional leader company in the commercialization of different types of minerals, pleasing the needs of a wide industry specter, offering products of excellent quality, with a highly qualified service to our customers.
Our Vision
To be leaders in the commercialization of minerals of excellence quality for different types of industry use, with a high added value and profitability, based in the continuous improvement of the productivity process adapting to the continuous changes in the market. Taking advantage of the industrial and organizational capacity available for our customers with responsible management and sustainability.

Our Values
Social Responsability
Within the community and the environment where we operate, always looking forwards for improvements that will produce a positive impact in the society.
It is what turns a promise into reality, it is the action that speaks higher than words, it is to fulfill what we promise when the circumstances become adverse, it is the material in which its forge the character to change things, it is the daily triumph of the integrity over the skepticism. Commit and keep commitments, are the essentials of proactivity of this organization.
Team Work
We seek to have partners that value and respect the work of each other and know how to agree on the good of the organization, in the way that the internal conflicts be constructive for the purpose of it.